Security market entry

Assisting entry into security market

Our client

A large multi-national defence company which had identified entry into the security market as a way of reducing its dependence on the defence sector while making best use of its existing expertise.

The problem

A project for the UK police had been identified as a useful first step towards the strategic aim of becoming a major player in the security market. While having deep operational and technical knowledge of the defence sector, the company needed to acquire a similar level of understanding of UK policing as rapidly as possible.

How we helped

InnovaSec was called upon to brief senior staff and the bid team about UK policing structures, needs and processes and procedures. We provided a team member to work with the in-house team in the submission of a credible response to a public tender from the Metropolitan Police Service. Through many years of working with UK police forces, InnovaSec has excellent knowledge of the main issues facing police forces in the UK and of the way purchasing decisions are made. InnovaSec also has an extensive network of contacts at senior levels of UK policing.

  • We provided a briefing and reported on the structure, constraints and needs of UK policing and on the special requirements placed on the Metropolitan Police in policing the capital city
  • We reviewed the requirements outlined in the tender document and augmented these with our background knowledge of the police’s up-to-date requirements
  • We augmented the necessary skills of the bid team and assisted in the preparation of the proposal
  • We provided a series of internal events in which we imparted our knowledge of UK policing to the client’s bid team


Our client submitted a strong bid for the work, but this particular tender was subsequently withdrawn by the police. However, we had laid strong foundations on which our client subsequently set up a business development team in the security sector.